I played tennis this morning and was famished by 11AM so I ducked into McDonalds for a Southwestern Chicken salad. I read in Comsumer Reports that this is a healthy option especially if you omit the dressing. So that’s what I choose. I would have rather had a Big Mac and fries but opted instead for a large diet coke mixed with sugar free lemonade. The salad was OK but there was some kind of glistening goo on the chicken breast that I found a little scary.
I read our local liberal newspaper while I ate and learned quite a bit about unpasteurized milk in the process. Although the salad was a little skeevy overall it was an OK lunch.
I will say that I was hungry again about 90 minutes later. It seems that the quality/quantity of my breakfast seems to really affect what happens at lunch. I will try to eat more for breakfast tomorrow and we’ll see what happens for lunch.