Searching for Chaz

Snow shoveling is a fact of life in Wisconsin. I hate it but my husband likes it so things are usually fine. My problem is what to do when he travels. 
Last year this problem was neatly solved by an extremely entrepreneurial neighborhood kid (let’s call him Jake) who ran a small snow blowing business. This kid was AMAZING. He would be out at 6am before school, he was reliable, he billed efficiently and in the off season he taught me tennis..really! Unfortunately Jake was more loyal to his education than me and he left for college this fall. I had heard to that Jake was going to try to find somebody to take over his business but as of the first major snowfall I had heard nothing. 
Now I have a lead!
Last week I spoke to some neighborhood teenagers who said that, “Chaz” had take over Jake’s business. The problem is that I don’t know who this Chaz is. Where does Chaz live? Does Chaz have a snow blower? Does Chaz have email? Does Chaz have a tennis racquet?
This kind of thing seems to happen a lot. Somebody knows somebody or something that will solve some seemingly major problem in my life. Unfortunately the solution is provided with incomplete information and I am left searching for the answer… the perfect cookie recipe, a great handyman, a fool proof way to occupy a child, the perfect diet. Usually I give up before I find the magic bullet and as luck would have it I seem okay living without these problems solved. But there is always the dream…
So I am searching for Chaz. If you know him, please send him my way!
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